General Directorate of Tea Enterprises (ÇAY-KUR), 46 Fresh Tea Processing Factory, 1 Tea Packaging Factory, 1 Marketing and Production Regional Directorate, 8 Marketing Regional Directorates, Main Repair Factory, Atatürk Tea and Horticultural Research Institute, 12.541 employees and 9,095 tonnes / day with a wet tea processing capacity is the largest and leading companies of Turkey’s tea industry.

Approximately 50-55% of the fresh tea product produced in the region is purchased by ÇAYKUR, although it changes over the years. ÇAYKUR’s market share in the domestic dry tea market is approximately 45-50%.

ÇAYKUR, which is preparing itself to produce above the standards in the world league, has chosen an international player in its sector like itself in its newly built ………… factory. ÇAYKUR, covering the entire floor with the superior hygienic coatings of the floor covering leader Tardigrade, applied a hygienic and seamless 10mm coating with the system design designed by Tardigrade.